Sonit Singh, Macquarie University and Data61, CSIRO

Sonit Singh

Office: 47, Level 3, Becton-Dickinson (BD) Building
4 Research Park Drive, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113
Department of Computing,Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University
The Language and Social Computing Team, Data61, CSIRO

[CV] sonitsingh @TheSonitSingh @sonitsingh

I am currently working towards a Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science at Macquarie University. I am supported by an international Macquarie University Research Excellence scholarship and an additional top-up scholarship from DATA61, CSIRO. I am also a casual academic in the Department of Computing at Macquarie University where I teach Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning units to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

My research interest broadly lies in Artificial Intelligence. More specifically, my research lies at the intersection of computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning. I focuses on developing models that seek to describe the content of images and answer questions about images. Currently I am working towards applying multi-modal machine learning techniques in radiology, where I focus on developing methods to harness the potential of healthcare data to develop augmented systems in order to increase productivity of radiologists, reduce healthcare cost, and reduce diagnostic errors. Other research projects towards which I am highly inclined include Image Captioning, Visual Question Answering, Visual Dialog, and Visual-Language Navigation. I am also passionate about solving problems prevalent in the society using digital technologies. My current multi-disciplinary research is in collaboration with Macquarie University, Macquarie Medical Imaging (Macquarie University Health Sciences Centre), and Data61 (CSIRO).

[News] [Education] [Experience] [Selected Publications] [Honours and Awards] [Students Advised] [Talks] [Professional Services]




Selected Publications

  1. From Chest X-rays to Radiology Reports: A Multimodal Machine Learning Approach
  2. Sonit Singh, Sarvnaz Karimi, Kevin Ho-Shon, Len Hamey
    International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2019)
  3. Biomedical Concept Detection in Medical Images: MQ-CSIRO at 2019 ImageCLEF Caption Task
  4. Sonit Singh, Sarvnaz Karimi, Kevin Ho-Shon, Len Hamey
    Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (ImageCLEF 2019)
  5. Modality Classification and Concept Detection in Medical Images Using Deep Transfer Learning
  6. Sonit Singh, Sarvnaz Karimi, Kevin Ho-Shon, Len Hamey
    International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2018)
  7. Pushing the Limits of Radiology with Joint Modeling of Visual and Textual Information
  8. Sonit Singh
    56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Student Research Workshop (ACL 2018)

Honours and Awards

Academic Talks

Professional Services

Last updated: 20 Feb, 2020
Design and CSS courtesy: Paul Pu Liang